When it comes to taking care of ourselves, we all must start somewhere, right? This year let’s start by appreciating our bodies. It’s important to remember that you cannot take care of something that you do not appreciate and more importantly respect. If we plan on sticking with those New Year’s resolutions we can’t miss this critical step!
To be successful in making changes for your health, you must first teach yourself to have confidence in your body. When our goals come from a place of self-love, it is much easier to find the discipline to sustain those healthy behaviors. Alternatively, when we come from a place of hate, it promotes self-sabotage. Have you ever thought, “I’ve been so good all week, I deserve as many cookies as I want?” This is a great example of self-sabotaging behavior.
Here are four strategies to promote body confidence:
- Express gratitude for your body. Rather than focusing on imperfections, focus on things that your body can do and express gratitude for that. For example, your strong legs that helped you finish that 5K; your sharp vision that helps you to see your child’s face; or your strong hands that allow you to write, eat with utensils and hold hands with loved ones. Focus on positives like these and overtime you will grow to appreciate the power of your own body.
- Move your body in ways that give you joy. This is great way to figure out ways that you are grateful for your body. What moves you and delights your soul at the time? Do you enjoying jogging, Zumba, kickboxing, dancing, playing soccer or basketball, swimming or riding your scooter? Move to be happy. Move because it feels good for you.
- Toss the scale. Don’t focus on the number on the scale. Your worth is not tied to a number on the scale. Focus on how you feel, and focus on promoting your health and happiness. It will feel liberating!
- Write down what you love about yourself. What are your favorite parts of your personality? What goals have you accomplished recently that you are very proud of? What are things about you that other people love? Write these thoughts down and keep them visible to you. They could be little notes on your bathroom mirror, or post-its stuck to your computer monitor at work. Wherever you feel that you might like a pick-me-up or feel good moment, stick those notes there!
Work on these steps as homework for building self confidence. When we are confident, we are better able to respect and appreciate ourselves in every capacity. It supports discipline, or knowing the difference between what you want now versus what you want long-term. Reaching our health and wellness goals feels much more achievable when it comes from a place of self-love!