Intuitive Eating and Self-Care Group:

Heal Your Relationship with Food and Your Body

Avance Care Intuitive Eating and Self-Care Group

This 16-week support group, for patients 18 and older, will alternate between a Registered Dietitian and a Licensed Clinical Therapist. This group includes unique, weekly topics, in addition to individualized meal support.

Who is this group for? This group is most appropriate for those who are seeking to heal their relationship with food and their body.

What kind of topics will be covered?
• Practice Intuitive Self-Care
• Cultivate Self-Love
• Build Community
• Intuitive Eating
• Reject Diet Mentality
• Making Peace with Food and Discover the Satisfaction Factor
• Gentle Nutrition & Shopping
• Honor Your Health

To learn more about the Avance Care Intuitive Eating Group, or to join a group, you may either contact the Avance Care Behavioral Health Coordinator at (919) 874-5443 or complete the Nutrition Group interest form and someone will contact you.

Frequently Asked Questions